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Thursday, October 27, 2005

meet me in the alley

I like to get lost.

To find somewhere I haven't been. To find an area that's authentically Parisian, far from he fanny packs and camera flashes of tourists.

Down the streets where older men sit in suits smoking and drinking at four in the afternoon. Where women stop into cafes for a coffee and a sugar-laden pastry, their legs crossed under pencil skirts, as they guiltlessly slide their forks into their mouths.

Down the streets where the apartments are old and gothic and for a second you believe you should be in love, or atleast in black and white.

Down the streets where the men selling fruit yell at one another, their aprons tied sloppily around their waists.

Down the streets where you make eye contact and smile at a woman in a small salon, well made up, giggling furiously as a she gets a foot massage.

Down the street where the chocolate shops make you think of art, and an older woman in a Chanel jacket points out which ones she'd like, telling the salesperson she wants only dark chocolate.

That's when I feel I'm happy to be here. When I'm not feeding myself sights I've seen too many times, crawling through stores jammed with foreigners and cheap clothing. I came for the romance, the tradition, the beauty, and the Paris that inspired writers and artists for years.

The Eiffel tower, Notre Dame, and the Arc de Triomphe still make me sing, but it's the back streets that make my heart beat.



Blogger Haley said...

Great pics..did you take them yourself?


5:06 PM  
Blogger Gillian Young said...

oui oui

7:33 PM  
Blogger Dana said...

I can't imagine this being my life.

Enjoy yourself, my friend.

12:06 PM  
Blogger Mirella said...

Have you tried "La butte aux Cailles" in the 13eme? It's worth while, like a village inside Paris.What about Rue Montmartre? Behind St Eustaque church, near Les Halles. So parisian, and so nice. If you can, during the week is really nice. Maybe I'm just giving you tips of places you already now... Any way, bon weekend a toi, profites...

12:47 PM  
Blogger Gillian Young said...

I haven't tried these places! Merci, I will, always looking for new territory.

3:58 PM  

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