final projects
Four years of writing, reading, recording, filming, and learning the art of journalism are coming to a close.
As our final project we are putting together a documentary. Documentary journalism is an amazing way to tell stories and I have been dying to do this for years. And yet, as school comes to an end, I am so eager to get out of here and working that I need to remind myself to put everything I can into this project.
My group has decided to do a story on the subculture of ticket scalpers. It took me a while to be convinced on this subject, as naturally I wanted something food or culture related. But, as we dig into the underworld of men standing out stadiums selling tickets, there seems to be a story worth looking into.
The other night we went to investigate before the hockey game. The crowds were swarming in and the scalpers were well armed, "you want tickets? how much?" Knowing I only had $20 in my pocket I teased, "Anything for $10?" They thought I was crazy. We kept walking and feeling out the scene. We got talking to one scalper in a bright red jacket. After a little prodding, we got cheap tickets for $20 a piece. Then the man in charge showed up. The man in charge, name yet to be disclosed, seems to organize all the scalpers. He drives a lamborghini. "These lovely ladies deserve better seats. Come back in twenty minutes and we'll see what we can do."
We returned 20 minutes later with a cinnamon bun as a thank you. In return we were given gold seat tickets, valued around $200, for $20 each. This kind of deal is practically unheard of. Not a bad way to experience my first hockey game.
Another friend of mine is preparing to graduate from the photography program. I have helped her with a few projects, and will be modeling for her final shoot.
The theme is old hollywood and will involve some professional hair and make-up artists to take it to the next level. With a bit of magic, I may come out as a bit of a Marilyn in the end.
We spent yesterday doing test shots and practicing lighting. She is as unfocused as I am, ready to get out of here and into the work force, but as soon as a print turns out the way she wants her eyes light up.
We're almost done and we've got to give it all we've got.
Hard to believe we'll soon be out there, doing our best to use the skills we've acquired.
No matter what I end up doing it will be impossible to regret what I've learnt over the years. If nothing else, I've gained some great technical skills and have learnt how to deal with people better.
I've also made friends that I hope will last through my life, and will soon have a degree to my name.
For now, I've got to keep digging, tracking down ticket scalpers, and finishing off my last year with as much grace as possible. I want to leave this place feeling proud of myself.
After that, it's a whole new game.