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Monday, February 23, 2009

flying home with lighter baggage

I felt good walking into the Toronto airport, snow covering the city outside, a bright sine shining through the windows.

Every time I go away I feel like I come back with something. Travel, no matter how far, always manages to get me excited about life.

I just spent my reading week in Vancouver, exploring the beautiful West Coast, eating well, drinking well, and working as an intern on a food and lifestyle TV show.

From buttering hundreds of slices of bread, to shot listing, to grazing recipes and making grocery lists, even the small jobs were enough to get me excited. They had to do with food. More than anything I observed, made mental notes, and tried to figure our where I can fit in this industry.

The stay wasn't long enough. There were people I needed more time with. Someone special I had trouble saying goodbye to. The week was condensed and I felt I couldn't stretch myself out in all the ways I wanted to. Regardless, I'm glad I went, and I did come back with something. I am richer with experience and have a better sense of what I want to do.

My last night we made spicy crab cakes with mango salsa and brought them over to a friend's for an Oscar party. We clinked glasses, ate decadent finger food, and cheered and groaned over this year's winners. The show was well put together, at last, and I enjoyed the ceremony for the first time in years.

At the end of the night my emotions won me over, and I cried. I cried for my future, for my fears, and for my excitement of what's to come in every aspect of my life. Family friends embraced me, poured their love over me, and reminded me that I am young. I may be young, but I'm anxious to kick my life into gear in the right direction.

It was still dark when we drove to the airport in the morning, the city slowly waking up. But in Toronto the sun was shining, and I made my way to Mary's house to get a welcome home note. I am lucky to be welcomed by open arms wherever I go.

I flew to Vancouver with many questions in my head, and flew back with a few more answers. I will always be asking questions, and I don't want to rush the answers, but to continue to experience them, to learn, live, and remain curious until the day I die.

My suitcase was heavy when I flew in, but I left some things at home, figured a few things out at home, and came back to Toronto a little lighter.



Blogger laceybediz said...

awww, Gillian, i got a little teary eyed with this post-- cause I can sooo relate!! And I think there's something globally "in the air" for it seems like everyone is shedding a few tears lately. You will so figure it out-- i am 30 and its just only beginning to make sense--embrace the journey-- you have had so many lovely opportunties-- and your trip on the west coast sounds wonderful!!


3:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post! You often talk of your love of working with food in your posts, but just wait until you catch the bug of growing your own organic food... it will take you to a whole new level of satisfaction in sustaining your own life on the planet.

farmer b

8:34 AM  

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