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Sunday, March 22, 2009

sunday in the kitchen

I went outside several times today, sunshine in my face, sunglasses over my eyes, and hands in my pocket.

It was warmer than usual, but the cool breeze still kept urging me inside. And another urge was humming inside of me, singing a tune it had been singing all week, begging me to get in the kitchen and bake.

I have never been a baker. While my grandmother can whip together a perfect Irish soda bread with her eyes closed, I am a work in progress. But with every recipe, I learn to pay better attention, and am always amazed at how mixed ingredients can transform into something so delicious, warm and fragrant once it comes out of the oven.

So tonight I set to work, first on cranberry scones, then some peanut butter cookies, and finally some spicy cajun roasted chickpeas.

scone baking

I couldn't find parchment paper at any of the stores in my neighbourhood so I settled on muffin cups, which seem to be made out of the same material. I flattened them, wiped them with butter, and they did the trick just fine. I discovered this recipe for scones when I was last in Vancouver, and they are worthy of the highest high tea.

baked goods

The peanut butter cookies were a little soft and some fell apart completely. But is there anything more delicious than a slighty undercooked cookie? I think not, and may have done this on purpose.

For the chickpeas I just roasted them for 45 minutes in olive oil and then spiced them up with some cajun seasoning, cayenne and salt. They make a great healthy, crunchy and highly addictive snack.

Half of the goods are being wrapped up and taken to my friend's house for editing tomorrow. He is in the process of piecing together our documentary, and as reporter I feel the least I can do is keep him fuelled.

food lit

I have also been going through my food books lately and am trying to cut down. Is anyone out there looking for a good foodie read? I've got it all, if you're interested give me a shout!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I make those same peanut butter cookies with the kisses and hugs every Christmas. My husband calls them Baywatch cookies, and always asks for them in pairs.


12:44 PM  
Blogger daringtowrite said...

What perfect timing!

4:14 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

ooh! Me! me! I love a good read...especially one that involves FOOD. shoot me an email pastry_child (at) hotmail (dot) com if you still have anything and we can work out the details.

Take care,


5:34 PM  

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